Macintosh IIsi

Family: Macintosh II
Codename: Oceanic, Ray Ban, Erickson, Raffica
Gestalt ID: 18
Minimum OS: 6.0.7
Maximum OS: 7.6.1
Introduced: October 1990
Terminated: March 1993
CPU: Motorola MC68030
CPU Speed: 20 MHz
FPU: 68882
Bus Speed: 20 MHz
Register Width: 32-bit
Data Bus Width: 32-bit
Address Bus Width: 32-bit
Level 1 Cache: 256 bytes data, 256 bytes instruction
ROM: 512 kB
RAM Type: 30 pin SIMM
Minimum RAM Speed: 100 ns
Onboard RAM: 1 MB
RAM slots: 4
Maximum RAM: 65 MB
Expansion Slots: 1 NuBus or PDS
VRAM: 64-320 kB (shared system RAM)
Max Resolution: 8 bit 640x480
Video Out: DB-15
Hard Drive: 40-80 MB
Floppy Drive: 1.4 MB SuperDrive
ADB: 1
Floppy: DB-19
Serial: 2 Mini DIN-8
Audio Out: stereo 8 bit mini
Audio In: mono 8 bit mini
Speaker: mono
Microphone: mono
Power: 160 Watts
Dimensions: 4" H x 12.4" W x 14.9" D
Weight: 19 lbs.

The IIsi came in a streamlined case used only for this model. It was originally designed for a 25 MHz 68030 processor, but shipped at 20 MHz, so it wouldn't compete with the IIci. The IIsi included a microphone, and cost $3,800.
Picture Credits:
Todo Apple Blog
John Greenleigh/Flipside Studios