Power Macintosh 8600

Family: PowerMac
Codename: Kansas
Gestalt ID: 69
Minimum OS: 7.5.5
Maximum OS: 9.1
Introduced: February 1997
Terminated: Early 1998
CPU: PowerPC 604e
CPU Speed: 200/250/300 MHz
FPU: integrated
Bus Speed: 50 MHz
Register Width: 32-bit
Data Bus Width: 64-bit
Address Bus Width: 32-bit
Level 1 Cache: 32 kB data, 32 kB instruction
Level 2 Cache: 512 kB DIMM
RAM Type: 168 pin DIMM
Minimum RAM Speed: 70 ns
Onboard RAM: 0 MB
RAM slots: 8
Maximum RAM: 1024 MB
Expansion Slots: 3 PCI
VRAM: 2 MB (4 MB via 2 DIMM sockets)
Max Resolution: all resolutions supported
Video Out: DB-15
Hard Drive: 2.0 GB
Floppy Drive: 1.4 MB SuperDrive
Zip Drive: optional 100 MB
Optical Drive: 12x CD-ROM
ADB: 1
Serial: 2 Mini DIN-8
Audio Out: stereo 16 bit mini
Audio In: stereo 16 bit mini
Speaker: mono
Ethernet: AAUI-15, 10Base-T
Power: 390 Watts
Dimensions: 14.91" H x 9.7" W x 17.3" D
Weight: 35 lbs.
The Minimum System Software for the 250 and 300 MHz models was 7.6.1. They each shipped with a 24x CD-ROM, used a "Mach 5" 604e processor with a 1 MB inline level 2 cache and required 60 ns or faster RAM.
Although announced in February 1997, It was not until June that the 8600 actually shipped in bulk. It came in the same innovative case design as the 9600, and ran on a 200 MHz 604e. It included an internal Zip drive (a Power Mac first). It also included video input and output. The 8600 used the Nitro motherboard, as did its predecessor, the 8500. The 8600 initialy sold for $2,700. In August, Apple announced "speed bumped" versions of the 8600 with a 250 or 300 MHz "Mach 5" 604e. Like its predecessor, the 8600/300 did not ship for several months after it was announced due to supply problems. The 8600 was discontinued in early 1998.
Picture Credits:
Apple, Inc.
Date: Sun, 16 Nov 1997 20:11:42 -0800
From: Dave Martin
Subject: Power Macintosh 8600
One correction to the Power Macintosh 8600 page, at least as concerns the
8600/300. The delay in shipping the 8600/300 was not "months", as was
certainly the case with the 8600/200's. The 200's had production problems
not related with supply, where the delay on the 300's was due to a minor
supply problem.
In fact, Apple announced mid-August (the week after MacWorld) immediate
availability on a variation of the 8600/300, without Zip drive, to cover
the demand until the originally spec'd product was shipping. I received
mine the last week of August. (I believe a 9600/300 & 9600/350 sans Zip
were also announced, though I don't know if the Zip-less 350 ever
It was only a couple of weeks later, in the September 10 price list, that
all the Zip-less models were removed. The Zip internal mounting brackets
that delayed release had arrived, and the original 8600/300 and 9600/300
with Zips were able to ship. The 9600/350 (including Zip version) was
removed at that time as well, I believe.